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This post is sponsored by Boppy but, as always, all opinions are my own.
Two of the questions I am asked most often (in real life and via Instagram stories, if you’re not following along, DO IT! it’s the easiest way to chat with me š ) are:
- how is it having 3 kids?!
- should I have a 3rd child?!?
I think people get scared of the number 3 – there’s always someone left out, it makes someone the dreaded ‘middle child’, you have to get a new car, bigger house, the list goes on.
But I love answering ‘what’s it like having 3 kids? is it really that bad?!” because my opinion may differ from the typical… I LOVE having 3 kids! When I was pregnant with Emmy (my 3rd), people would share terrible stories of how difficult it was to have 3 children. Thanks, but it’s too late now, I thought. I’m only a year in, but adding a third baby to our family was absolutely the right decision. Has it been difficult? Messy? Stressful? Crazy? Sleepless? Absolutely. But if you’re on the fence about having another child, I always think, in 20 years, no one regrets adding a baby to their family.
Here’s why the transition from 2 to 3 kids was our easiest yet…
You’re Good
After two kids, you’re a more confident mom. I’m not saying moms of 3 know everything (far from it over here!) but there is some security that comes with a little bit of practice. I am always envious of first-time moms because they’re falling so deeply in love, but it’s easy to forget the insecurity and doubt that you can feel as a first timer. For me, that feeling has faded over the years and I think it helps me be the best mom I can be.
You have more kids than arms…
This is true. But it’s really not that bad. Honestly, the way I make it work is wearing Emmy so I have both hands free for the older kids. The one MUST HAVE when you have a 3rd baby is a great carrier. Boppyā¢ sent me their new ComfyFitā¢ Baby Carrier and it’s true love. I’ve used a handful of other carriers over the last 5 years and the ComfyFit is great because it’s kind of a hybrid wrap/carrier. Wraps can be tricky because it’s a ton of fabric to fold and wrap – mine would often drag on the ground as I was putting it on, which is just gross. I love the security and customization of a wrap but the ease of a carrier, so the ComfyFit is a great combo of the two. You just click it around the waist, pull on the shoulder straps, and cross the straps and tie them. It supports babies facing towards moms and, for babies older than 6 months, outward facing. I also love that it doesn’t require a newborn insert (fits babies 8lbs-35lbs), it’s super stretchy (like yoga pants!), the grey color is so pretty (comes in black as well, can’t go wrong there), it has a little zippered pocket in the waistband (perfect for a credit card), it comes in a pouch so you can easily store it in the car or diaper bag, and it’s machine washable (because stuff happens). You can grab one at Target, Amazon, or Buy Buy Baby and the price is great – under $75!

Side note: Boppy makes some of our favorite baby & momma gear. I still sleep with this pillow every night – we had to buy a second one because Coop stole mine! I also LOVE their Newborn Lounger – a must for new babies.
Think About The Spacing
Another reason our transition from 2 to 3 was so easy is that the spacing between them was pretty different. My oldest 2 children are 22 months apart. I had Quinn, nursed her for 14 months until I got pregnant with Cooper. Pregnant again, then nursed Cooper for a full year. It was literally 3.5 years of never having a day of my body to myself; I was either gestating a person or sustaining their nutrition. It was crazy! Also, having a newborn when your eldest child isn’t even 2 means that the “big kid” is still pretty demanding and not at all self-sufficient. Before we had Emmy, I knew I needed a bit of a break. We waited and the spacing between my 2nd and 3rd child ended up being about 32 months, which was much more manageable this time around.
Built in Entertainment
The older two can keep each other busy. I wouldn’t say my eldest two kids play perfectly together (far from it!) but they are able to keep each other entertained (for better or for worse) while I’m occupied with the baby.
THe Third Baby Stereotype
With kids, the only thing you can count on is unpredictability, but I’d often heard that 3rd babies are easygoing and generally pretty sunny. For us, that was 100% the case – Emmy is the sweetest and smiliest baby we’ve had yet. She’s very content and I think it’s because she sometimes has to wait for whatever it is that she needs.
It’s All Temporary
I think the BEST mantra I have when it comes to parenting is that everything – the good, the bad, the sleepless – is temporary. In a few weeks or months, whatever your current struggle is will be gone – and a new one may pop up ;).
Misty B says
I really appreciated the positivity in this post. I just found out I am pregnant with baby number three. All 18 months apart. I’ve experienced a flood of emotions, ranging from anger to fear to despair and then finally a little excitement. It so hard just having two so close in age I’ve been so terrified of what three will be like. But that little tidbit about everything bring temporary really brought me back down to earth. It’s true, they grow so fast. It won’t be as bad as I’m fearing I’m sure.
Lisa says
I have 3 kids back to back. I was either nursing or pregnant or both for 6 years. I definitely agree with you about being more confident. When my husband went back to work the first time I was terrified. He was the baby person. How could I handle this little one on my own? By the 3rd my husband didnāt even take paternity leave. We have been fortunate to get a break after our 3rd but now that my baby is 2 years old Iām ready for baby 4.
Hollie says
Hi there! I loved your post here. I just had my third child in December, with all of my children also under 5! My husband and I are discussing if we should have a fourth at some point or stop at three. He wants to stick with three and “stop the chaos”, but I feel like we might want 4. I noticed your family photo at the bottom shows 4 kids. Could you let me know what pros and cons you’ve had in having 4 vs. 3 kids, and how you came to the decision of having 4? I won’t say it’s been easy for us with three, since we are in the military, and I struggle with keeping up laundry, cleaning, and basically everything lol. I love all of my children so much and with my baby already turning 7 months, I feel I’m not ready to move past the baby stageā¹ļø Also, we have one friend with 3 young kids, and they said they wish they’d had 4, since it’s always 2 against 1. Any insight you have, would be great! Thank you!